Dependency on Social Recognition Prevents Personal Development

The People of the World, for the most part, are going around Masked trying to take on a Socially Acceptable Aspect. Multitude of Authorities in the field of Styles and Design continually Study and Sell new Masking Outward Appearances. It feels well Protected to Hide behind these outer Looks that try to Seduce, Enchant or simply Turn Off someone’s attention. But also normally Ignoring that in this way one Loses his Own Uniqueness and Priceless Authenticity. Furthermore, at the same time, one also Renounces his own Freedom of Expression adhering to a Worldly Logic of Artificial. What’s is gained instead …

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The Common Way of Life is Not True Life

The Common Way of Life of the People of this World is Not in the Fullness of True Life. I mean it Definitively Lacks Energy and Superior Divine Sensations because of Lack of Contact, Trust, and Love for God, Spontaneity, Peace of Heart, Happiness and of Freedom! That’s a kind of Slavery to the Cult of the Society and of the Financial Power. Especially relevant it’s how the Wordly Way of Life is derived from the Fear of Death that Pushes to Run after the Illusion of Progress simply by making it Easier, Funnier and Longer. Furthermore, to Strengthen My …

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